
a long overdue update

so in my last post i was in limbo, stuck between moving, and not having a house. well nothing new was really happening in that time so i didn't have much to post on. now we are finally in our own house we moved in beginning of September. and its been about a month. I got myself a jorb at the London Drugs Warehouse in Richmond (where i'm living by the way, if you don't know that already), anyways the job is pretty cool, it's keeping my on my feet. i work the graveyards, which has it's ups and downs. but its a good solid job.

Hopefully sometime next week i will be filling out my application to BCIT FilmFlex, It's a Film School, if you didn't click the link, hosted by BCIT. It starts in May 08, and goes through to May 09. so not getting my hopes up ye or anything, but i will be updating you on the process of my application.

anyways that's whats going on in my life right now. and if you will excuse me i have to get ready for work!


halfway there!

so yesterday myself, boo and ty all set out from Kelowna on our final “Official” move. my parents and I are house-sitting at a place right across the street from my sister Jamie. and we should have this place for 2 weeks, or until we find an actual house. so i guess this is it. i'm finally here in Vancouver, but not exactly home yet.

but any second now, i can feel it.

no pictures, sorry i'm currently piggybacked on some random wireless network, and the connection is really slow.


the home stretch

well we are finally home. we left early Tuesday morning from Billings MT, and arived at the Sumas Border that evening. I dont remember the times since i still have my car clock set to EST, it's jut too confusing to think about.

well anyways, i didnt drive a single American mile on tuesday, Dustin drove for a good 12-15 hours, and he was rewarded greatly after we passed the border. 1 US Dollar!!

turns out the phrase "knock on wood" doesn't work as good as i would have liked it to. Even though we countered every border crossing joke with a good "knock on wood" we still got held up. at the Canadian border!! anyways, i dropped the Dust off at his house in Abbottsford, and drove the final stretch to my sister Jamie's Condo in Vancouver.

so i'm back for good in the true north STRONG and free!


the first leg

we are finally off! our original plan was to drive as far as we could in our first day, to get a head start, (i was thinking Cleveland, or Chicago at most), but one thing leads to another, and crossing state borders can be addicting. so to expand on making a long story short, we ended up in Billings, Montana 37 hours later.

so it turns out the plan of a multi legged (spider like) trip, is actually just a really big bi-legged trip.

it might be hard to tell, but that's Chicago. we passed through late at night, and believe it or not it can be tricky taking a picture of a dark smoggy city whilst speeding along a highway.

yes we even passed through Camelot!

amazing how natural erosion can make turn any ordinary mountain into a presidential reunion.

well anyways, we have another full day ahead of us tomorow, and Dustin and I both need our beauty sleep. see you soon!


t'was the night

ok, so i'm leaving at 6:00 in the morning, and its 12:30 now, so i'll make this brief!

ok, that's all!


canada or bust

well it has been a little over 3 months since i posted the news of our moving. and it's finally here!

this week, i've been packing like something that packs a lot (want to say pack rat??) anywhoo, Dustin Zupancic and I are going to be driving across this great Continent of ours, and i am going to do my best to blog about it. no promises, Dustin's a bit more vigilant with the blogging, so my blog might just be a link to his. it's just so much easier that way. so we're leaving on saturdayish i think, and we hope to conquer the task in under 5 days.

anyways, thats about all for now, check back soon!


may the fourth be with you

well its finally here the 4th most important day of the year. behind my birthday (august 8th by the way), Christmas, and international talk like a pirate day. why is this day so important? well it all started back in 1979 when the first Star Wars film was released. some valued member of society was scrolling through a calender, marking every Wednesday with a big red marker (thats comic day for you geeks who don't have a life), when he noticed the fourth day of may.

now let me backtrack a bit first. after seeing A New Hope, "Larry", we will call him, and allt he members of his A/V club, would depart each other quoting the famous Jedi saying "may the force be with you". now as the A/V group combined had more metal on their face than apollo 11, they all naturally talked with lisps. it was all fine with them for 9 months of the year, but once it started to freeze outside, they were less than thrilled.

anyways back to the story, as "Larry" rested his eyes upon the fourth day in May he thought to himself. "May the Forth????", this was his opportunity! he had a plan!

now it may be hard to tell, but "Larry" wasn't the most, how to say, popular kid in school. finally he had a plan to achieve popularity. He only had to wait 2 months, and until then he wouldn't say a word to anyone.

about two months later "Larry" woke up to a beautiful spring day, May 4th. this was it, the best day of his life. he got dresses in his finest short sleeve t-shirt, freshly pressed by his mom the night before. he rehearsed it over and over in his head for half an hour, and as he got to school, he went about his business as usual.

then 3:00 came, there was 10 minutes left in school, 5, 4, 3, you get the idea.

the bell rang! "Larry" got up in front of the class, and is his best Obi Wan voice, spoke those six words.

"May the Fourth be with you!"

silence, then it started, a look of sudden revelation in the eyes of his peers.

"Did he just say??" "He Did!!!" the class erupted in applause, upon recognition of "Larry's" words.

so long story short, the next day "Larry" was a pretty freakin' cool kid. so what's the morel of this story? kid's read your calendars closely, oh and making fun of geeks is not cool, unless you are a geek.

So this is where i leave, i hope you enjoyed this brief history lesson.

may the fourth be with you!!


my super sweet, aweso-tacular, asphalt burnin' truck!

so i'm in Vancouver (still just visiting), but i'm one step closer to permanent livingship. yes that's right i bought a truck.

but wait, it's not just any ol' crappy ford. that's right, it's a genuine 1988 Chevrolet S10!

so yeah i'm pretty exstoked (excited and stoked) about this truck, and i guess that all i have to say for today.


the news so far

so here i go, this will be my first real blog, with actual information and stuff. hope you enjoy it.

as some of you may know for the past year and a half i have been living in New London, NH. it is a small, nay, tiny town in the middle of trees, and things of that nature (pun). why did we move out here? simple, my dad was given an amazing opportunity to work with Streams Ministries. now what am i getting at? well here i'll tell you, events have transpired that have led to the migration of my family back to the true north STRONG and free. my parents, and i, (good english eh?) will not only be moving back to Canada, but to Vancouver, the city of lights (or something like that).

why Vancouver? well for one, it is a pretty flippin' awesome place. and for secondly's my parents will be setting up the Streams Canada offices, along with the Streams Academy - Canada Style!

what will i do? good question, currently i am looking at schools, and stuff, and my plan is to take some sort of recording arts degree in the area. well, thats my plan anyways.

when is the move? you tell me.

- josiah

P.S. you didn't think i'd actually leave without a cool picture did you?


a new blog

well hello, i guess this would be my first blog. you may ask, "why is this blog here?" , that can be answered in a few ways: one, because frankly myspace blogs blow. and two, blogger is pretty freaking cool. now i just need to get myself some ideas to blog about. so bare with me, it may take me a while to get my blogtacular feet firmly planted in this lush substance we have come to call the interweb.

here is a picture to sustain you until my next post.