
the news so far

so here i go, this will be my first real blog, with actual information and stuff. hope you enjoy it.

as some of you may know for the past year and a half i have been living in New London, NH. it is a small, nay, tiny town in the middle of trees, and things of that nature (pun). why did we move out here? simple, my dad was given an amazing opportunity to work with Streams Ministries. now what am i getting at? well here i'll tell you, events have transpired that have led to the migration of my family back to the true north STRONG and free. my parents, and i, (good english eh?) will not only be moving back to Canada, but to Vancouver, the city of lights (or something like that).

why Vancouver? well for one, it is a pretty flippin' awesome place. and for secondly's my parents will be setting up the Streams Canada offices, along with the Streams Academy - Canada Style!

what will i do? good question, currently i am looking at schools, and stuff, and my plan is to take some sort of recording arts degree in the area. well, thats my plan anyways.

when is the move? you tell me.

- josiah

P.S. you didn't think i'd actually leave without a cool picture did you?